In certain scenarios there may be events that are specific to an angle:
Expand |
title | Draw.io diagram view with the standard Confluence view. |
Drawio |
zoom | 1 |
simple | 0 |
inComment | 0 |
pageId | 1614414029 |
custContentId | 1614643748 |
lbox | 1 |
diagramDisplayName | Multi-Cam Item-Only Events |
contentVer | 1 |
revision | 1 |
baseUrl | https://vidispine.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | Multi-Cam Item-Only Events |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 1134.4642041752063 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 832.5337433635661 |
This may be the case when event logging is done individually for the different angles. From some camera angles you may see things that are not visible from other angles.