Depending on the functional requirements to be implemented, additional infrastructure components may be required.
1572143167 | diagramDisplayName | VPMS3 Infrastructure Layers |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 10 |
revision | 10 |
baseUrl | https://vidispine.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | VPMS3 Infrastructure Layers |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 973 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 763 |
For some project-specific components a Windows-based ServiceFabric cluster may be required.
The product MediaIngest is based on worker-based VPMS and is installed directly on Windows machines:
1572143167 | diagramDisplayName | MediaIngest Infrastructure Layers |
lbox | 1 |
contentVer | 1 |
revision | 1 |
baseUrl | https://vidispine.atlassian.net/wiki |
diagramName | MediaIngest Infrastructure Layers |
pCenter | 0 |
width | 673 |
links | |
tbstyle | |
height | 373 |