To create a workflow from VidiEditor publish in VidiFlow requires the definition of some paramters parameters between VidiEditor and the workflow execution. Those are explained as follows in a practical step by step scenario.
To display this workflow in the VidiEditor, map the desired workflow to VidiEditor in the VidiEditor Publish use case configuration (ConfigPortal) described in Publish Default Dialogue Configuration (Enterprise) [INT VE XY22.Z 1 OG]. After this step, a VidiEditor user should already be able to see the configured workflows and select one in the publish dialog.
SourceShapeTag - Defines what shapes are used for transcoding as source material. This is hard coded to the value “original“ but can be overwritten in the workflow to base on another shape. E.g. houseformat files.
TargetShapeTag - Defines the desired output format of the target videoTargetSourcePlatformUri videoTargetSourcePlatformUri . This value can be set in the ConfigurationPortal Publish Use case pages.
TargetStoragePlatformUri - Defines the desired target storage where the file is will be located on. This value can be set in the ConfigurationPortal Publish Use case pages.
SourcePlatformUri - Hands over the ID of the newly generated item, that can be enriched with a newly transcoded file, created by the RenderItemSequence step. This value will be calculated by VidiEditro when triggering the workflow.
Those parameters can be added on the “Render Item Sequence“ step under Input/Output → Input Parameters:
Depending on the configuration in Publish Metadata Dialogue Configuration [INT VE XY22.Z 1 OG], those parameters can be sent from VidiEditor into the workflow to be used in the workflow. This especially makes sense when the user can select the target storage or transcoding preset in the publish dialog.