In this first part of the high availability series, we will show you an easy way to increase availability on your Vidispine powered video backend. The other parts will add increasingly advanced set-ups leading to a full high availability video backend. In Part #2 we will add HAProxy, in Part #3 we will add pgpool-II for a high availability database, and in the final Part #4 we show how you can work with SolrCloud.
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broker: url: tcp://activemq.example.com:61616 #embeddedBroker: broker:(tcp://localhost:61616) |
It is also possible to create a cluster on a single machine by starting multiple server processes each with a different configuration file.
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INFO [2015-05-27 13:06:27,652] [403] org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.JGroupsTransport: ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [di2-37999|1] [di2-37999, di2-55654] |
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