Filtered based on the proxy audio shape configuration (see: https://vidispine.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ITSFP&title=Supported%20Audio%20Format%20%28Enterprise%29%20%5BINT%20VE%2021.3%20OG%5D and https://vidispine.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=ITSFP&title=Supported%20Audio%20Format%20%5BINT%20VE%2021.3%20OG%5D) Supported Audio Format (Enterprise) [VE 21.3 OG] and Supported Audio Format [VE 21.3 OG] optional to set. If set, items that have a matching shape are found.
If no proxy audio shape is configured, audio items that are of type audio and that are stored in audioc codec aac are found.