Search Term Sections Implicit Wildcard * [EM 20.2 WebUI UG]


Search Term Sections Implicit Wildcard * [EM 20.2 WebUI UG]

When entering a search term, it is important to keep in mind that the term is considered as a section of a potential whole. This implies that the term may be contained as part of another in any particular order. The following example illustrates this behavior.
By entering "rocket" as a term, all values that include *"rocket"* in their metadata values are considered as potential search results. "shamrock", "rocket" and "redrock" are all returned as matches. This implicit wildcard includes values that are prefixed or suffixed on the entered search term.

Results include matches within words. "shamrock", "rocket" and "redrock".

This behavior is due to the fact that the wildcard ""* is implicit when entering search terms. Additional characters in a single term may exist pre or post positioned to the entered term.