Collections and Libraries [VC 5.6 INT]
Collections and Libraries
This chapter describes collections and libraries, two concepts in Vidispine used to group items. The main differences between collections and libraries are:
Collections can have metadata attached to them, libraries cannot.
Collections can contain sub collections and can also contain libraries. Libraries can only contain items.
Libraries can have dynamic content. You can attach an item search document to a library, and have it automatically update its content based on which items match the query.
Both can be assigned access controls and storage rules that apply to the items, and for collections, libraries and sub collections in them.
Collections are generic storage containers and can for example be used as:
A sort of folder structure, where files are mapped as items and sub folders are mapped as sub collections in the hierarchy.
A simple container for a number of items and collections.
A representation of a Non Linear Editor (NLE) “bin”.
A representation of an entity in your domain.
Whereas collections are more of a generic container for entities, the strength of libraries lies in the ability to have the library content dynamically updated based on a query.
Use libraries to for example:
Manage the current search performed by a user.
To represent saved searches created by your users.
To implement dynamic storage rules or access control restrictions based on the metadata of items.