Direct Out Publish Configuration [VE 21.3 OG]


Direct Out Publish Configuration [VE 21.3 OG]

A very specific use case supported by VidiEditor is called Direct Out. It can be used for rough cut editing and will bypass different timeline settings to prepare a very raw edit version of the timeline that can be used for further editing on a full NLE station.

Imagine following situation:

  • Original shapes have 8 audio channels holding different version of audio -e.g.:

    • Different languages

    • Audio comments

  • A VidiEditor user usually selects the channels wanted for a mix down for 2 audio channels for each cut and gets a stereo audio mix on the final rendering.

  • When doing a rough cut the user wants to keep all 8 channels of the original source. This ensures all source channels are available for further editing.

  • On the direct out option various timeline settings will be ignored:

    • Audio Mix

    • Audio channels selection

    • Fades

    • Dissolves

    • Audio editing

    • Unlinked Segments

In result this workflow can be used to very fast produce a timeline with hard cuts and all orginal audio information for example to preselect best shots and needed interviews.


How to configure direct out?

To enable this feature a key value metadata on the me_user group must be set:









All available Shape tags in VidiCore as comma seperated list

See https://apidoc.vidispine.com/latest/ref/group.html#groups how to manage metadata groups and related metadata.

A suitable shape tag added on this parameter should not contain any mix information as this would result in a mix of the original audio channels. A shape tag for above scenario that produces a XDCAMHD file with all original source channels can look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="http://xml.vidispine.com/schema/vidispine"> <name>XDCAMHD</name> <format>mxf_ffmpeg</format> <audio> <codec>pcm_s24le</codec> <framerate> <numerator>1</numerator> <denominator>48000</denominator> </framerate> </audio> <video> <scaling> <width>1920</width> <height>1080</height> </scaling> <codec>nablet_mpeg2video</codec> <bitrate>50000000</bitrate> <framerate> <numerator>1</numerator> <denominator>25</denominator> </framerate> <gopSize>12</gopSize> <pixelFormat>yuv422p</pixelFormat> <preset>xdcam_hd_422_1920</preset> <setting> <key>flags</key> <value>+ildct+ilme</value> </setting> <setting> <key>top</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>dc</key> <value>10</value> </setting> <setting> <key>qmin</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>lmin</key> <value>1*QP2LAMBDA</value> </setting> <setting> <key>vtag</key> <value>xd5c</value> </setting> <setting> <key>rc_max_vbv_use</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>rc_min_vbv_use</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>minrate</key> <value>50000k</value> </setting> <setting> <key>maxrate</key> <value>50000k</value> </setting> <setting> <key>bufsize</key> <value>36408333</value> </setting> <setting> <key>bf</key> <value>2</value> </setting> <setting> <key>codecTagString</key> <value>xd5c</value> </setting> <setting> <key>mpv_flags</key> <value>+strict_gop</value> </setting> <setting> <key>noGopAdjustment</key> <value>true</value> </setting> <setting> <key>colr_primaries</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>colr_transfer_function</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>colr_matrix</key> <value>1</value> </setting> <setting> <key>renderQuality</key> <value>16</value> </setting> </video> <metadata/> <script></script> </TranscodePresetDocument>


The VidiEditor publish dialogue in result will show another dropdown for direct out allowing the user to select one of the configured shape tags from the “ME_DirectOutShapes” config.