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Storage groups [VC 21.3.1 GEN]

Storages can be organized in zero or more storage groups. Use storage groups to:

  • Allow users to group storages in your applications.

  • Apply storage rules to these groups.

Storage group metadata

Storages groups support key value metadata.

Managing storage groups

List all storage groups

GET /storage/storage-group/

Retrieves all storage groups known by the system.



Create a storage group

PUT /storage/storage-group/(group-name)

Creates a new storage group with the specified name. If the group already exists this operation does nothing.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Group created successfully.



Delete a storage group

DELETE /storage/storage-group/(group-name)

Removes the storage group with the given name. Note that this operation does not remove the actual storages contained in the group.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Group removed successfully.

  • 404 Not found – No group with that name exists.



Storage group content

List all storages within a group

GET /storage/storage-group/(group-name)

Lists all storages belonging to a certain group.

Status Codes:
  • 404 Not found – No group with that name exists.



Add a storage to a group

PUT /storage/storage-group/(group-name)/(storage-id)

Adds a storage to a group. If that group already contains the specified storage this operation does nothing.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Group added successfully.

  • 404 Not found – No group with that name or no storage with that id exists.



Remove a storage from a group

DELETE /storage/storage-group/(group-name)/(storage-id)

Removes a storage from a group.

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Group removed successfully.

  • 404 Not found – No group with that name exists, or the group does not contain that storage.

