Using scripts to automatically fit video


Using scripts to automatically fit video

Let's start with a shape tag. I have copied this from the built-in, and modified the resolution: 

<TranscodePresetDocument xmlns="http://xml.vidispine.com/schema/vidispine"> <name>my-shape-tag</name> <format>mp4</format> <audio> <codec>aac</codec> <bitrate>128000</bitrate> <channel>0</channel> <channel>1</channel> <stream>2</stream> </audio> <video> <scaling> <width>500</width> <height>200</height> <pixelAspectRatio> <horizontal>1</horizontal> <vertical>1</vertical> </pixelAspectRatio> </scaling> <codec>h264</codec> <bitrate>2000000</bitrate> <framerate> <numerator>1</numerator> <denominator>25</denominator> </framerate> <preset>high</preset> </video> </TranscodePresetDocument>


 I then added a script: 

var inWidth = shape.getVideoComponent().get(0).getResolution().getWidth(); // http://apidoc.vidispine.com/latest/xsddocs/com/vidispine/generated/VideoComponentType.html var inHeight = shape.getVideoComponent().get(0).getResolution().getHeight(); var scaling = preset.getVideo().getScaling(); var outWidth = scaling.getWidth(); var outHeight = scaling.getHeight(); var targetDAR = new com.vidispine.generated.AspectRatioType(); scaling.setTargetDAR(targetDAR); targetDAR.setHorizontal(outWidth); targetDAR.setVertical(outHeight); var proportionalDifference = outHeight * inWidth–outWidth * inHeight; if (proportionalDifference > 0) { // output is taller (skinnier) than input padding = -proportionalDifference / outWidth; scaling.setTop(padding / 2); scaling.setBottom(padding - padding / 2); } else { // output is fatter than input padding = proportionalDifference / outHeight; scaling.setLeft(padding / 2); scaling.setRight(padding - padding / 2); }


The order of how Vidispine applies the commands in the scaling tag is:

  • Crop/pad

  • Rotate

  • Scale

So, we are comparing the proportions and either pad top/bottom or left/right. Remember that setTop/Bottom/Left/Right refers to cropping values: negative values mean padding.

The original (scaled):

The result (scaled):