How to connect Glacier storage to Vidispine API-NEW


How to connect Glacier storage to Vidispine API-NEW

Applies to 

AWS offers different kind of storages. AWS Glacier is a storage for longtime archiving where the files are not available at the same speed as the S3 bucket. Some workflow requires Vidispine API / Vidinet to connect to AWS Glacier “ long time storage “



Learn how to configure the AWS Glacier Storage with IAM permissions allowing reading and writing files using the Vidispine API


This article require the following pre-requisites and tools


  • An AWS account with the necessary administrative role to administer the required permissions

  • knowledge and understanding of AWS IAM service

  • a verified Vidispine API / Vidinet workflow

  • basic knowledge how to configure Vidispine API ( using Postman or similar )

Table of contents

Configuring the AWS Glacier Storage

Vidispine can archive files on Amazon Glacier. There are two different ways this can be achieved:

  • Creating a separate Glacier storage and move files from other storages there for archival.

  • Using an S3 storage and transition objects to the Glacier storage class


The XML document you should post looks like this:

<StorageDocument xmlns="http://xml.vidispine.com/schema/vidispine"> <type>ARCHIVE</type> <bean>GlacierBean</bean> <capacity>100000000000000</capacity> <metadata> <field> <key>glacierVaultName</key> <value>{vault name}</value> </field> <field> <key>glacierEndpoint</key> <value>https://glacier.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/</value> </field> </metadata> </StorageDocument>

The rest of the details including how it relates to S3 are descrived in the API documentation for setting up Glacier.


Note, you should have a file AwsCredentials.properties under glassfish3/glassfish/domains/domain1 with format:

secretKey=yourkey accessKey=yourkey

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