When using the Baton QC service in VidiNet from a VidiCore API instance, a Baton QC Test Plan must be provided as part of the Baton QC job instruction. A set of sample Baton QC Test Plans will automatically be added to your VidiCore API instance when launching the Baton QC service from the Vidinet Store.
For existing or advanced users of Baton QC, custom Test Plans from any on-prem Baton QC Enterprise system can easily be imported to VidiCore for use with the Vidinet Baton QC Service
Baton QC Test Plans are stored in VidiCore API on the endpoint:
Sample Baton QC Test Plans
Test Plan Name | Description | Download |
Generic | Has all the basic checks enabled, such as black/freeze frames, blockiness, RGB color gamut and signal level checks. | |
GenericHDR | Same as the Generic plan, but made for HDR content. | |
GenericPSE | Same as the Generic plan, but with Flashiness/PSE checks enabled | |
XDCAM_HD_422_MXF_1080i50 | Has specific checks for validating XDCAM HD content | |
AS-11_UK_DPP_HD | Has all the checks for validating AS-11 UK DPP files |
Using custom Baton QC Test Plans (export - import)
Custom Test Plans from any onprem Baton QC Enterprise system can be used with the Baton QC service in Vidinet.
Export your Test Plan XML from the Baton QC management user interface
Paste the Test Plan XML into the AnalyzePresetDocument
<AnalyzePresetDocument xmlns="http://xml.vidispine.com/schema/vidispine"> <baton> <testPlan><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" ?> <<<<<------- PASTE TEST PLAN XML HERE ]]></testPlan> </baton> </AnalyzePresetDocument>
3. Add the Test Plan to your VidiCore API instance with the following command
PUT /API/analyze-preset
Accepts: application/xml, application/json - AnalyzePresetDocument