Installing Distribution-Specific Packages [VC 5.6 SG]


Installing Distribution-Specific Packages [VC 5.6 SG]

Use our packages for your distribution to install Vidispine.


Install the packages

You can either install the packages from our repository, or download and install the packages from our download page.


Vidispine requires Java 11 which may not be available in the official repositories of older distributions. Install a third party repository providing Java 11 or upgrade to a newer distribution.

Install from official repository

  1. To install Vidispine directly from our repository, head over to the repository page and follow the instructions.

Install downloaded packages

  1. Download the latest release from our download page.

  2. Untar the downloaded package.

    $ tar -xvzf vidispine-X.Y.tar.gz $ cd vidispine-X-Y
  3. Install the packages for your distribution:


    $ yum install vidispine-*el6*.rpm transcoder-*el6*.rpm


    $ dpkg -i vidispine-*.deb transcoder-*.deb $ apt-get install -f

    This will install Vidispine, Java and any additional dependencies required by Vidispine. There are also optional dependencies that can be installed manually:

Initialize the database

  1. Create and give Vidispine access to an empty database:

    $ psql -c "CREATE USER vidispine PASSWORD 'vidispine'"; $ psql -c "CREATE DATABASE vidispine OWNER vidispine";

    On MySQL, make sure to use UTF-8:

    CREATE DATABASE vidispine CHARSET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;

    On Microsoft SQL Server create the database with a case-sensitive collation. As Vidispine consequently is using unicode (NVARCHAR) columns you do not need to care about the character set or code page.

    CREATE DATABASE vidispine COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS

    Snapshot isolation must be enabled for Vidispine to operate properly. Execute these commands directly after creating the database:


    Ensure that TCP/IP is enabled for your server.

  2. Modify the configuration file accordingly:

    $ vi /etc/vidispine/server.yaml


    database: driverClass: org.postgresql.Driver url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/vidispine user: vidispine password: vidispine


    database: driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/vidispine user: vidispine password: vidispine

    Microsoft SQL Server:

    database: driverClass: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver url: jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;instanceName=SQLEXPRESS;databaseName=vidispine user: vidispine password: vidispine
  3. Initialize and migrate the database:

    $ vidispine db ping # verify connection $ vidispine db check # verify if tables exists (they shouldn't) $ vidispine db migrate $ vidispine db check # should succeed


The /usr/bin/vidispine command is simply an alias to java -jar /usr/share/vidispine/server/vidispine-server.jar that is provided by the vidispine-server package.

Start the services

  1. Use systemd to start the services:

    $ systemctl start solr transcoder vidispine
  2. Wait for Vidispine to start and then run APIinit to create the system metadata fields and the admin user.

    $ # wait for 8080 to become available, and then $ curl -X POST localhost:8080/APIinit


    APIinit is a migration step that must be run manually. It will be made part of the migration command in the future.

  3. To verify that Vidispine is running, access http://localhost:8080/API/version using curl or HTTPie, or directly in your browser. The default admin password is admin.

    $ curl -X GET "localhost:8080/API/version" -uadmin:admin


  • If the Vidispine service fails, then check the syslog or journal for errors:

    $ less /var/log/syslog $ journalctl -xn
  • If the service dies, or never becomes available for some reason, then check the server log:

    $ less /var/log/vidispine/server.log
  • If the service fails to start with a “UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0”, then make sure that the default system Java version is 7+ and not 6 or lower.

    $ sudo update-alternatives --config java

Configure Vidispine

Finally, you will need to configure Vidispine.

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