Package Reference [VC 5.6 SG]


Package Reference [VC 5.6 SG]


The packages provided by Vidispine are:

vidispine-serverThe Vidispine server application.

vidispine-solrThe latest supported version of Apache Solr, bundled with the Solr config and schema used by Vidispine.

transcoderThe Vidispine transcoder.

Optional packages

vidispine-toolsOptional command line tools.

vidispine-server-matrixstore3.1Must be installed to be able to connect to MatrixStore 3.1. The MatrixStore 3.1 SDK is NOT compatible with MatrixStore 3.2.

vsctlOptional command line tool.


The key files used by Vidispine:

/etc/vidispine/server.yamlThe server configuration file.

/etc/vidispine/License.licYour Vidispine license.

/etc/vidispine/slaveAuth.licYour slave license file when using master/slave licensing./usr/share/vidispine/server/lib/ext/The location of any custom JAR files.

/var/lib/vidispine/activemq/The default location of the ActiveMQ data files when running an embedded broker.

/var/lib/vidispine/solr/The location of the Solr cores.

/var/log/vidispine/server.logThe Vidispine server log file.

/var/log/vidispine/transcoder.logThe Vidispine transcoder log file.