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Timeline [VC 21.3 GEN]

Timeline API is used to store and retrieve timelines in the system. A timeline is represented in the system as a combination of:

  • The timeline itself (in the native format, but can be converted to other formats)

  • The rendered result as a new item.

  • The timeline with its constituent parts as a collection.

There is no special datatype for the timeline, instead it is stored in one or several metadata fields.

Get Information about Item Timeline

List all timelines

GET /item/(id)/timeline

Returns a list of timeline stored and all timeline formats that can be derived. The precision number returned is an estimation of how close the converted timeline format will match the original. The lowest number, 0, means the original timeline format, 1 means derived timeline without any loss of information compared to the original format. The highest number, 100, means straight cuts only.

  • text/plain – CRLF-delimited list of TabbedTuple of timeline format and precision.



See also

CRLF is used in text/plain representation when several values are returned, such as tuples or lists. CRLF is represented by the two bytes 0d 0a in hexadecimal notation.

See also

TabbedTuple is used in text/plain representation when several values are returned, such as tuples or lists. TabbedTuples delimits each value by the tab character, 09 in hexadecimal notation. Together with CRLF it is used to create lists of tuples. Users should ignore any output after the last defined element in the tuple, more elements may be returned in future versions of the API.

Retrieve a timeline

GET /item/(id)/timeline/(timeline-format)

Returns timeline.

  • */* – Timeline representation. The actual MIME type depends on timeline format.

Status Codes:
  • 400 – Could not find the timeline identified by timeline-format.



Update or create a timeline

PUT /item/(id)/timeline/(timeline-format)

updates or creates a timeline representation for an item.

  • */* – Timeline representation. The actual MIME type depends on timeline format.

Status Codes:
  • 200 – The timeline was created/modified successfully.



Delete all timelines

DELETE /item/(id)/timeline

Removes all timeline representations.

Status Codes:
  • 200 – All timelines associated with the item were deleted successfully.



Delete a timeline

DELETE /item/(id)/timeline/(timeline-format)

Removes specific timeline representation.

Status Codes:
  • 200 – The timeline was deleted successfully.

  • 400 – Could not find the timeline identified by timeline-format.

